On Monday, April 30, the SQL 2012 beta sandbox program will close

Discussion in 'SQL 2012 (Denali) Beta [Closed]' started by mjp, Apr 2, 2012.

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  1. mjp


    On Monday, April 30, the SQL 2012 beta sandbox program will close. We will be retiring the server which hosts your beta account and deleting all content on the server. If you wish to retain any of your files from the beta environment, please download them before the closing date. Deleted data will not be retrievable.

    Thank you for participating in a DiscountASP.NET beta. Your participation and feedback are appreciated, and be sure to keep an eye on http://labs.discountASP.NET for future offers.
  2. I've been using the 2012 beta with the control panel for a month or so, and want to upgrade to the released version of 2012, but I can't find the control panel for to create a .bak file to do so. Is the control panel for the 2012 beta inaccessible to do this?
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    unfortunately, you can't create .bak with the beta system. We have not tested whether we can restore backup files created with the beta server.
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