Two Websites, One Database

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by CCM64, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. I currently have a website hosted on and a MS SQL Database. I want to start another website and have that website also use the current / same database. Would I set up a second account to host the new site or is there a way to add it to my existing account? Are there any problems / shortfalls I should know about with having two websites access the same database? I'm motivated to do this as apposed to domain pointing because it is my understanding that domain pointing is not very SEO friendly. Thank you.
  2. mjp


    There's not a problem with multiple sites using the same database.

    As to pointing a domain not being "SEO friendly," that depends on how you're using the domains and whether you need both to rank or only one.

    From what you describe you're talking about two different sites, which isn't a problem. But you also mention domain pointing, so I'm not sure whether you're really aiming for two separate sites...
  3. Thanks for the response. I'm actually currently using domain pointing but the info that I've seen online indicates that search engine bots will not recognize both sites and that it will choose which site to "capture". But maybe I'm misunderstanding that.

    Here is my situation. Site is the main site with the second site. In the main page of the main site I use:

    If InStr(UCase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")), UCase("")) > 0 Then
    End If

    Then all pages and links in the "website" are unique to that that "website". ( ex.

    This work fine and it saves me the $$ and hassle of having two websites. The only problem is that I'm thinking that it is not SEO friendly and thus I need to set it up properly with two separate websites. Thoughts??

    Thanks in advance.
  4. mjp


    As long as the content is different at the different domains, your current method shouldn't have any negative imapact on your search rankings.
  5. OK - great. Thanks for clearing this up for me.

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