Improving the recruiting/job seeking experience.

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by palere, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. Hey folks, put together an MVP and trying to get some candid feedback on a product for solving some problems for job seekers and recruiters.

    Probably best to read the blog first to get an idea of what I'm trying to do ( then visit the site.

    The UI is terrible as I'm just focusing on functionality and seeing if the idea has legs. This product is very Alpha.

    Many thanks for any help.

  2. mjp


    Where have you been all my life, Matt? ;)

    I don't do much hiring around here anymore, but I used to (here as well as for a couple of previous companies), and you've identified most of the major drawbacks of the system as it exists now. If you can build a system to address those issues in the way you've laid out in the blog post, you will definitely have something there.

    Seems like a tough nut to crack though. The big players in the hiring industry and their existing infrastructure are pretty well entrenched. Any new employer/employee pairing service is going to have a hell of a chicken and egg problem (the employers won't show up unless there are enough potential employees and vice versa).

    I think if you can make your plan work though, some of those big players might start sniffing around, and who knows where it could go from there. Good luck.
  3. Cool thanks. Always good to get confirmation I'm pointed in the right direction. Quick Question: Was there a site that you guys (recruiters) hung out on? Definitely want to get more feedback regarding the issues and whether the approach(es) I'm proposing jives...
  4. mjp


    We tried a lot of sites, but I can tell you where we found our best (tech) people, and that was on Monster. I think things are changing quickly though, and we're starting to investigate sites like Spiceworks. I don't know what's going to happen there, but it seems to be a growing hub for our kind of people.

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