LightSwitch publishing

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by yonetimkati, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Hi,

    I read all posts about LS publishings and i think its too complex and you have a high chance to fail.

    There is a easy way :

    This is a web app with form auth.
    Go to the visual studio and click publish

    publish output will be : (you have this in you cp account info - its like webmatrix publishing)

    ftp username
    ftp password
    and allow untrusted cer CHECKED
    DATABASE CON : your standart database connection in CP>MS SQL
    Form auth will be YES CREATE ADMIN AT THIS TIME
    dont forget to make a strong password like MY123456pass!
    Other connections for devexpress-XtraChart null
    then click publish.

    As LightSwitch uses Silverlight behind the scenes, we will need to modify the web.config file that was generated for us. •Using your favorite FTP application, download the web.config file from the server
    •Update its contents to include the following snippet directly under the <system.webServer> element:



    <basicAuthentication enabled="false" />



    Now upload the modified web.config back to its original location on the server.
    Article ID: 964, Created On: 02.08.2011, Modified: 03.08.2011

    This is a web app with form auth.
  2. Thanks for this yonetimkati, hope it helps others publishing lightswitch apps.

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