Since I don't see any posts, I'm not sure if anyone has tried to do this. Has anyone tried installing JOOMLA? It's a content management system I have used with another client and had no issues with the host. The following things come up: 1) Session save path c:\windows\temp Unwriteable 2) PHP magic_quotes_gpc setting is `OFF` instead of `ON` 3) Display Errors needs to be on 4) Magic Quotes GPC needs to be on When I put in the following info for a db connect, it says the id and password are wrong, but I am using the same thing that I use in my SQL Server management studio to connect to the db, and it's fine. host: localhost or - neither work /emoticons/freaked.gif If there is something specific I need to do, please let me know.
You should use or sql2k511 as the database name. I have not tested Joomla but I think someone got it to work.
any idea of whether it'd be possible to change the other stuff in my email so the settings would jive with what Joomla is looking for in the install?
The host is - but Joomla isn't really made to work with MS SQL (or IIS for that matter), so you are likely to have a bit of a task in getting the configuration down. We will try a test install and see if we can get it to work. But generally speaking, Joomla is developed fora php/MySQL/Apache environment.
Hello Matt, I was directed to your post and spent some time researching and trying a test installation of Joomla in a shared Windows hosting environment with a SQL Server database and can't report that I had any success. As mjp stated in the previous post, if you're going to be using Joomla, it may be more convenient to locate a host that specializes in providing Apache/PHP and MySQL hosting. I'm sorry I wasn't able to find an easy workaround