DiskQuotaGetUsageTotal Returns 0

Discussion in 'Control Panel API' started by Lee Smith, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Our Control Panel API DiskQuotaGetUsageTotal function always returns 0 MB despite having consumed a large portion of our disk space.

    When viewing the Usage Chart, the following numbers are displayed:
    Used Disk Space: 2394 MB
    Free Disk Space: 606 MB
    Total Disk Space Purchased: 3000 MB

    But when viewing the Usage by User, the following numbers are displayed:
    [siteuser] 0 MB
    Anonymous ASPNet User: 0 MB
    ftp: 0 MB

    I suspect the issue is related to Windows 2012 - IIS 8.0 and the quota numbers provided above.

    Is there a way (or other interface primitive) to obtain the 2394MB number above via the Control Panel API? I would like to use the data to help avoid an 'out of disk space' situation.
  2. FrankC

    FrankC DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Hmm.. let me look into this.
  3. FrankC

    FrankC DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Can you PM me your domain name so i can take a look at the log?

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