Frontpage 2003: Why don't my errors ever show up? ("On Error Resume Next")

Discussion in 'FrontPage' started by geekgurl, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. I created a website using Frontpage 2003 that updates form inputs to an Access 2003 database. The site is hosted on a non-local IIS server (Windows 2000 Server).

    I finally got it to work, but there's something that's vexed me immensely.

    When I was building it, whenever I pressed submit on the form, I'd get the confirmation page, but the database wouldn't get updated with form inputs.

    Why was I getting the confirmation page instead of getting some error? In fact, I have never gotten an error while using this website (even when it wasn't working). Have I suppressed the errors inadvertently?

    I suspect this has something to do with the 'On Error Resume Next' commands in my Global.asa file.

    The strangest thing is that my code (Frontpage generated) contains numerous error statements. I'm including some of the code below (and can include more if requested).

    I suspect that the errors are being reported to some log file instead of to the form user. If that is the case, then where are the errors being reported?

    Thanks in advance.

    ' FP_ASP ASP Automatically generated by a FrontPage Component. Do not Edit.

    On Error Resume Next
    Session('FP_OldCodePage') = Session.CodePage
    Session('FP_OldLCID') = Session.LCID
    Session.CodePage = 1252

    strErrorUrl = ''

    If Request.ServerVariables('REQUEST_METHOD') = 'POST' Then
    If Request.Form('VTI-GROUP') = '0' Then

    Set fp_conn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')
    FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, 'Cannot create connection'

    Set fp_rs = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Recordset')
    FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, 'Cannot create record set'

    fp_conn.Open Application('default_ConnectionString')
    FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, 'Cannot open database'

    fp_rs.Open 'Results', fp_conn, 1, 3, 2 ' adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
    FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, 'Cannot open record set'

    FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, 'Cannot add new record set to the database'

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