FTP - Ability to set default home directory by user?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by cliffk3ll, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Hi,

    Is it possible to set a default directory by user such that when they log in they are automatically in that directory?

    Some use cases are:
    1. When I currently add an ftp user, their home directory is often a couple layers deep in the site, so I have to set permissions for all directories above their assigned directory.
    2. I have a client with an IoT device that will ftp data, but is not smart enough to put data anywhere other than the root. That's obviously a big security problem as there is a website there too.


  2. mjp


    I'm afraid it isn't possible to assign directory permissions via Control Panel on Windows 2008/2012. It's possible on older servers, but we can't move you to one of them (and you wouldn't want to move to one of them anyway as they will eventually be phased out).

    I'm not sure is support can manually assign permissions for a specific user, and if they can it could be problematic if your account permissions ever have to be reset for some reason. I'll check with them and have someone get back to you here.
  3. martino

    martino DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Hi Cliff,

    Unfortunately it's not possible to automatically have the FTP user connect to the default sub-directory they have permissions to.

    In our system you must provide read access to the root directory or else the additional FTP user won't be able to connect to the server.

    One thing you can do is include the sub-directory within your FTP settings when you set up the connection. So that way the FTP user connects to it right away to that sub-directory.
    RayH likes this.
  4. Ok thanks for checking. Their IoT device is not capable of/smart enough to append the subdirectory or use it normally as one would in their PUT command.

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