How to Insert Javascripts in Dreamwever ?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by qadeer, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. [?]hi to all, well could anyone plz tell me that how to insert javascripts in dreamweaver and how to make them work, coz i am trying to instert a javascrip in the dreamwever but it says plz insert it in between body tags i did so but the result is not appearing on the place in the web page where i want it , i want to have it in the right side but it appearing in the left side, this is one problem. plz tell me what is the right way to insert the javascripts in a webpage

    the second question, can i instert multiple javascript in the same page if i can, than how can i do so plz guide me in step by step mannar, as u all know i am a newbie in webdevelopment


    Abdul Qadeer

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