Install VevoCart

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Jose, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. VevoCart PCI Package

    1. Upload VevoCart to via FTP.
    - Unzip (xxx for the version of vevocart, e.g. if Deluxe 410 the package name is “”).
    - In the VevoCart PCI folder consist of VevoCart_xxx_PCI and VevoPay_100 folder
    - Copy files and folders from “VevoCart_xxx_PCI\WebApp” and upload to the root of web application.
    - Create new folder name “VevoPay” into the root of web application.
    - Copy files and folders from “VevoPay_100\WebApp” and upload into “VevoPay” folder in web application.

    2. Set VevoPay Folder as Web Application
    - Open control panel.
    - Select “Web Application Tool”


    - On the “Web Application Tool” panel. Select “VevoPay” Folder and click “Install Application” button


    - After Install Application Complete. The “Folder” symbol in front of “VevoPay” was change to “Application” symbol.

    3. Install VevoCart Application.
    - Browse to “[YourDomain]/install”, web browser will redirect to VevoCart Installation Wizard page.
    - Follow the installation wizard step until complete.
    - At the Installation wizard complete page you can continue install “VevoPay” by select “next” button or click “Back to Storefront” for redirect to VevoCart Store front page. (if you did not install VevoPay most payment method may nonfunctional)

    4. Install Payment Module (VevoPay) Application
    - If you click next from the VevoCart Installation wizard complete page, it will redirect to this page automatically. Or browse to “[YourDomain]/vevopay/install”, web browser will redirect to VevoPay Installation Wizard page.
    - At the Setup Database page (step 2). Set “Encrypt the connection string” dropdown to “No” (Due to the share hosting with medium trust web application cannot modify the web.config and related file). After that follow the installation wizard step until complete.

    5. Set SSL connection (Required for PCI compliance)
    - Install SSL certificate for your domain name.
    - Browse to your VevoCart application backoffice “[YourDomainName]/admin”
    - Select “Configuration” submenu under “Setting” menu.
    - Select “Storefron Config” tab
    - At “Payment SSL Enabled” dropdown set to “Yes” and update.
    - Browse to your VevoPay application “[YourDomainName]/vevopay”
    - Select “Configuration” menu
    - At “SSL Enabled” dropdown set to “Yes” and update.

    6. Encrypted VevoPay Connection String (Required for PCI compliance)
    Before Encrypted the connection string please make sure that your website now work properly and backup your “VevoPay/App_Data/ConnectionStrings.config” first.

    - Set VevoPay application in local machine.
    - Copy following files and replace to the VevoPay application in local machine as the same name:
    1. VevoPay/Web.config
    2. VevoPay/App_Data/ConnectionStrings.config
    - Create RSA Keys for web.config encryption and upload NetFrameworkConfigurationKey_username.xml to the root directory by follow this article
    - Encrypted connection string by follow this article for the “ConfigProtectedData” section that should be add in web.config file before encrypted, you can copy this section and add it web.config file as following image

    - After encryption finished, re-upload following file to overwrite VevoPay application in web server as the same name
    1. VevoPay/Web.config
    2. VevoPay/App_Data/ ConnectionStrings.config

    7. Testing Application
    Make sure that following processes are work properly.

    - Browse to VevoCart application storefront (“[YourDomainName]”).
    - Browse to VevoCart application back-office (“YourDomainName]/admin”).
    - Create category and product (“Categories” and “Products” submenu under “Catalog” menu).
    - Set shipping method (“Shipping” submenu under “Setting” menu).
    - Enabled Offline Credit Card payment method (“Payment” submenu under “Setting” menu).
    - Run place order process with Offline Credit Card payment method until payment complete.
    - Browse to VevoPay application and test login (“[YourDomainName]/vevopay”).

    Attached Files:

  2. VevoCart Non-PCI Package

    1. Upload VevoCart to via FTP.
    - Unzip (xxx for the version of vevocart, e.g. if Deluxe 410 the package name is “”).
    - In the VevoCart PCI folder consist of VevoCart_xxx_PCI and VevoPay_100 folder
    - Copy files and folders from “VevoCart_xxx_PCI\WebApp” and upload to the root of web application.

    2. Install VevoCart Application.
    - Browse to “[YourDomain]/install”, web browser will redirect to VevoCart Installation Wizard page.
    - Follow the installation wizard step until complete.
    - At the Installation wizard complete page you can continue install “VevoPay” by select “next” button or click “Back to Storefront” for redirect to VevoCart Store front page. (if you did not install VevoPay most payment method may nonfunctional)

    3. Install Payment Module (VevoPay) Application
    - If you click next from the VevoCart Installation wizard complete page, it will redirect to this page automatically. Or browse to “[YourDomain]/paymentmodule/install”, web browser will redirect to VevoPay Installation Wizard page.
    - At the Setup Database page (step 2). Set “Encrypt the connection string” dropdown to “No” (Due to the share hosting with medium trust web application cannot modify the web.config and related file). After that follow the installation wizard step until complete.

    4. Set SSL connection (optional)
    Look at VevoCart PCI Package.

    5. Testing Application
    Make sure that following processes are work properly.

    - Browse to VevoCart application storefront (“[YourDomainName]”).
    - Browse to VevoCart application back-office (“YourDomainName]/admin”).
    - Create category and product (“Categories” and “Products” submenu under “Catalog” menu).
    - Set shipping method (“Shipping” submenu under “Setting” menu).
    - Enabled Offline Credit Card payment method (“Payment” submenu under “Setting” menu).
    - Run place order process with Offline Credit Card payment method until payment complete.
    - Browse to VevoPay application and test login (“[YourDomainName]/paymentmodule”).
  3. Test VevoCart Solution

    - Setup Website by using Control panel
    o Setup two applications in the same domain (, and both are worked properly.
    o Setup VevoCart and VevoPay database, both are worked properly.
    o Test setup and using SSL (PCI requirement) from Control panel for using with and , both are worked properly. But didn’t test with sub-domain (e.g. ) that may need to use wildcard SSL.
    o Test Connection string encryption (PCI requirement) by follow your knowledge base instruction ( and ) and worked properly.

    - Test run VevoCart Application
    o Run VevoCart Installation Wizard and worked properly.
    o Test post data between application ( and ) and work properly.
    o Test place order process and work properly.

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