Looking for a calendar scheduling component compatible with DASP

Discussion in 'Third-party applications' started by jzahoor, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Anyone know of a good calendaring/scheduling control that uses AJAX/ASP.Net and is compatible with DASP?

    I've looked at Telerik but they are quite expensive for my needs. Must have recurring event capability built-in.

    I'm also considering http://www.daypilot.org but not sure if they're DASP-compatible.

    I am not looking for a pop-up date picker.


  2. So far as compatibility goes you'll be fine with pretty much anything that doesn't require software components to be installed on the server which is always something to be avoided for the DASP shared servers - it's an absolute no go. This means the following will be compatible and will work:
    1) Any software / library that is wholly xcopy / bin deployable
    2) Any external service that is wholly SAAS

    In the past I've knocked up a few proof of concept ASP.NET web apps based around https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v2/developers_guide_dotnet
    There's also calendars at outlook.com or www.zoho.com/calendar and a search turned this up although it's about 2 years old now: http://web.appstorm.net/roundups/15-cool-alternatives-to-google-calendar/
  3. Thanks! That helps.

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