question for> EXPRESSION WEB 4

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by brea245, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. I recently had to repair my computer I built a website on my old computer with EW1. I had saved the website files and tranfered them to my new computer running EW4. But now when I open these files in new expression software I get LOCALHOST errors and MASTER PAGE ERROR like:

    Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

    Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

    Source Error:

    Line 44: <allow users="tim88" />
    Line 45: </authorization>
    Line 46: <roleManager enabled="true" />
    Line 47: <compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true">
    Line 48: <assemblies>

    Source File: C:\Users\Bruce\Documents\My Web Sites\yytest\web.config Line: 46

    Show Additional Configuration Errors:

    It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. (C:\Users\Bruce\Documents\My Web Sites\yytest\web.config line 87)

    It was suggested I do the following:

    "This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS."

    You will need to go into your control panel (likely to be Plesk on a Windows server) and create a virtual directory, set it as application, and point it to your physical directory.

    If this is a local site, do the equivalent configuration in IIS. Google "configure virtual directory as application in iis" for details.

    Do I need to download some program like ASP.NET 4 or Microsoft Management Console (MMC) or .NET Framework?

    I thought I had downloaded all the support software.

    Do I need to config my DASP API for IIS?
  2. Hi,
    I do use Expression Web v4 and I test with Applications locally on Win7 plus on-line via the DASP Control Panel.

    Where I'm not following you is, did you create the application locally with the IIS Manager? If that's where it went wrong the fix is tricky but I can create a Webcast quick to show how to do that.

    You don't need anything else by the way, just what you have but if you want to test with the applications locally you will need to install the free IIS Manager.
    Let me know where this is choking and I'll do my best to help.
    All the best,
  3. thanks wisemx;

    I've noticed I can create simple aspx or html pages/files with EW4. EW4 does preview them OK. But I believe this is because I'm creating them with the native vista biz OS/EW4 I'm currently using. That would mean I would have to go through my entire 50+page website stripping out (runat) script and only loading the HTML on new aspx pages.

    So there has to be an easier work around.

    I built my site originally locally I didn't use IIS manager but I did use other tools when I added a db to site with SQL but I later discontinued SQL I also use Visual Web Developer which I later stopped using.

    So I guess, I will need this "free IIS Manager" but have no idea where to dload it or how to use it-maybe you can guide me.:)

    My site is in need of a makeover it's been 3yrs.

    Do you know anyone who re-conditions ASP.NET websites ??
  4. Hi,
    I'll try and whip something up soon showing how to do that with ew4.
    As for the IIS Manager itself, the downloads are on the official IIS site.

    Where to find someone to re-condition a site, hmmm, not sure. ;-)
    All the best,
  5. I don't think I need IIS Manager isn't that for managing local server or server farms?
    I'm just using the browser preview function on EW4 that I get errors on preview. Nothing very complex. Maybe I should delete old 'web config' file since I don't use this feature.

    I need to go through my old website and inventory old files that take up space not performing any function on my DASP account.
  6. If you are testing locally is what I meant about using the IIS Manager to manage local applications. An example would be a sub-folder where only a partial web.config is used but with some settings that are expected in the root folder.

    The problem you're having is with a live page?
    I'm not really following. ;-)
    All the best,

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