SQL Tool Suite

Discussion in 'ASP.NET Starter Kits' started by mrowella, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    I've got a starter kit working ok, as an absolute beginner and keen to learncould someone explain to me what takes place when I use the"Attach Data File" utility in the control panel.

    Reason for asking is if this utility isn't available on a different ISP's system, what would I need to do the accomplish the same result this utility automatically provides.

    Many thanks in advance for any assistance provided.

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    well. basically, the happens behind the scene

    - We take your mdf file (SQL database data file) and move it to the SQL server
    - Run the attach command.
    - Execute some statement to make sure the attached database is properly configured to work on our server.

    Review this article I found on the web, http://www.databasedesign-resource.com/moving-the-database.html. The attach process is pretty much an automated way to do this.



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