SSIS Package Parameter/Variable HELP!

Discussion in 'Databases' started by albanello, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. I'm trying to pass a SSIS Package parameter to a Execute SQL Task.

    Here is what I have done at Package level:
    Package Variable
    Name: MOL_DDTblName
    Scope: InportDASP2LocalDDNumberData
    Data Type: String
    Value: dbo.MyTableName

    Here is what I have done at the Execute SQL Task level:
    Parameter Mapping
    Variable Name: User::MOL_DDTblName
    Direction: Input
    Data Type: NVARCHAR
    Parameter Name: 0
    Parameter Size: 64

    Here is the SQL in the Execute SQL Task:
    DECLARE @LocalTblName nvarchar(64)
    SET @LocalTblName = ?
    EXEC( N'TRUNCATE TABLE ' + @LocalTblName )

    Here is the error I am getting:
    Error: 0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task TSQL code, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "
    " failed with the following error: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    It is my understanding that the first question mark '?' in the SQL will be the first mapped Parameter. I am using MSSQL 2008 R2
    Thank you in advance for any help you can give.

  2. I still have not found the answer to my original post. I have seen so many SSIS Red Fail boxes I forgot what Green looks like!!!!!!!!
    Here is the link I found that BEST gives a Step by Step of how to do what I am trying to do.
    I believe I am doing EXACTLY what the link say BUT I still am getting a fail as described in my initial post to this forum.
    There has to be a property that I have not set properly OR there is a syntax error in my code I am not seeing. I have tried many different things, with NO success.
    As near as I can tell the problem in in the "SET @LocalTblName = ?" statement. My Connection is a OLE DB connection and as I understand everything I have read the '?' is what is suppose to be used. If I hard code the table name "SET @LocalTblName = 'dbo.MyTableName' the code work as expected.
    Pleas help! There has to be someone on this planet that has had the same problem.
    Thanks in advance
  3. I have a SSIS Package that has two tasks:

    1) Execute SQL Task-MyTask
    2) Connected by a "Complete Constraint
    3) Data Flow Task-MyTask

    There is one Package parameter that is used by the "Execute SQL Task" to determine if a table exists and then either TRUNCATEs or CREATEs the table and the "Data Flow Task" uses the same Package parameter for the Source and Destination table name

    When I Execute the Package it will do everything it is suppose to do BUT the Data Flow Task ends with a Green box and the Execute SQL Task ends with a Red box. The end result to the table, the Package is working on, is correct with the end result as expected.

    The error is reported as:

    If I Execute each task by them self each one ends with a Green box.

    The Red box only occurs when I Execute the Package as a whole.

    Basically the "Execute SQL Task" executes correctly but throws a error????????

    - Is there a parameter in the Package, Execute SQL Task or Data Flow Task that would cause this if not set correctly.
    - Any ideas as to what needs to be done to get a Green box for both tasks

    Any help would be appreciated
  4. !!!!!!!!HERE IS THE ROOT CAUSE/SOLUTION!!!!!!!!
    if there is anyone out there interested ?
    Some invisible character AFTER the "GO" statement in the "Execute SQL Task"!!!!!!!!
    I don't know what the characters were but after trying EVERYTHING I saw there was some white space after the "GO" so I placed the cursor after the "GO" and hit the delete key a bunch of times. I spotted the white space by hitting the down arrow on the key board and the cursor went down past the line the "GO" statement was on. Once I delete this white space the SSIS Package works as expected with NO Red box........Everything is a Green box.
    This had to be one of the most difficult problem I have ever had to find. I spent 5 day trying all different kinds of stuff and it ends up being white space. Who would have guessed.
    I hope this saves someone else from this headache.
    RayH and martino like this.
  5. martino

    martino DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Thanks for posting what worked for you!

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