Trying to suppress/hide the app folder contained in the main root for multiple domains

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by mtundu, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. I'm going round and round on this topic. Seems like it's possible to suppress the folder name when hosting multiple domains/subdomains in one account.

    What I'm talking about is simply....1. creating a new folder in the root, 2. making it an application, 3. putting an entire .NET website in the folder, 4. referencing the website WITHOUT THE SUBFOLDER NAME IN THE URL. I'm going round and round and can't get an answer that works.

    So if the subfolder is "site1", I'd like to reference it possilbly by using "" and not upon redirect show " When I implement the following methods on this info page it just redirects me to I REALLY don't want the /site/ subdirectory reference. So many other hosts allow this! DASP either doesn't or doesn't offer an easy solution to do this. Any ideas?

    P.S. if this thread is not meant for the 4.0 category, can you please forgive me and allow some answers or "nicely" let me know where it belongs. Thanks.
  2. tasha

    tasha DiscountASP.NET HBIC

    "When I implement the following methods on this info page it just redirects me to"

    You're referring to your reply here, correct?

    You can hide the subfolder with URL Rewrite, but it takes a little tinkering for it to work in all cases. Have you set up rewrite rules and they're not working? If so, can you post the rules you created?

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