DNS Update

Discussion in 'Domain names / DNS' started by Swtrse, Mar 9, 2009.

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  1. Hello,

    I'm a new customer and came to Discount asp.net after searching the internet for the best provider that has all the things I need :).

    I owne a domain and update the domain entries with the nameserver of discountasp.net.

    How long would it take till my domain (schoeller-soft.net) is reachable again?

    I updatet the domain entries at 5. March.
    6. March: @Work: no dns resolve possible, @Home: Can ping all except www.schoeller-soft.net and webmail.schoeller-soft.net (I got a dns resolve error)
    7. March: @Home: can ping all (dns resolve works fine, I thought)
    9.March: @Home+@Work: no dns resolve possible

    The time ping was working it shows me the new IP so this was not the old ip of the website. So I think that my updates of the domain entries are correct.
  2. I took a look at your WHOIS and it doesn't appear as if the changes ever took place:

    You should contact your domain name registrar, and have them make sure that the name servers are updated, as it usually takes 24-48 hours for the domain to be fully updated as they're still pointing to some other name servers.
  3. Well i made contact with my reseller for the domain.

    They told me that the nameservers listet on http://who.is/dns/schoeller-soft.net/ are linked to all domains hosted by them and that this has something to do with the SOA Entry and also that they cannot do anything about that.
    Could that realy be?

    However at who.is I see currently 6 nameservers registered
    including the 3 discountasp nameservers. In the webinterface there is no way to get rid of the nameservers of my provider or change the soa entry. The only entries that are currently added (an can be edited) by me are the 3 NS enties.

    Well I thought of an other solution.
    If the IP address at discountasp is static then I think it would be possible to copy the settings of the dns Manager and add the entrys directly on my domain. I think that should be working. Would that be ok?

    BTW: DNS resolution for webmail.schoeller-soft.net works today, all other dns names cannot be resolves.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    You really should not list 6 name servers, it will cause inconsistent result, eg. some user may see your website and other may not.

    >>If the IP address at discountasp is static then I think it would be possible to copy the settings of the dns Manager and add the entrys directly on my domain. I think that should be working. Would that be ok?

    Yes. That should work fine. Make sure you remove all the discountasp.net name server when you are done to avoid potential conflicts
  5. mjp


    No. They certainly can do something about it. If they won't, ask them for an auth code and transfer the domain to a registrar who isn't trying to force any configuration on you.

    If we are hosting your site and email, the SOA (start of authority) has to to change. We should answer the DNS queries, not telekom.at.

    The IP is not unique (unless you bought a unique IP add-on).

    Not to contradict what bruce has said, but You don't really need to mess with all that anyway. If they won't make the changes you want, you should transfer the domain to a new registrar. It sounds like these guys are either trying to force you to use name servers you don't want to use, or they don't know what they're doing.

    You can remove the telekom.at entries. If they say you cannot, they are not being honest with you, and you should find a new registrar.
  6. I called my domain reseller again.
    And get be told that a change of the SOA would will not be made because of the SLAs with her Customers (and me).
    So I will transfer my domain.
    Are there any registrars that are favored agains others?
  7. mjp


    You will get varying opinions about registrars. But I would go with a "name brand" like GoDaddy, etc., since we have seen smaller registrars implode, and that is not pretty.

    Some people find the GoDaddy site confusing. But if it makes sense to you, their domain management tools are very flexible.
  8. Yes, although GoDaddy's site may be confusing to some, it's one of the biggest domain registrars, so I'm sure that say something about them. It will be a little bit difficult to go through their panel though, since it has too many options that are unnecessary and seems cluttered.

    You can actually see the top registrars here:
  9. mjp


    Well it's not even close anymore, is it? And you can add "Wild West Domains" to GoDaddy's total. That's their domain reseller name.
  10. I changed my registrar. Now all is working fine.

    Thanks for help.
  11. mjp


    Cool. At least we have a choice of registrars these days.
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