FTP Problem - 2 accounts only 1 works

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by constructor, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. I have 2 discountasp.net accounts, one works perfectly one does not.

    The symptoms are:

    1) On uploading site it stops after a few files, then times out.
    2) On reconnecting it lists the directory. I can list the contents of the 'bin' directory. If I select the sub-directory 'ca' then it will ALWAYS hang and timeout.
    3) I can not delete the files that I have uploaded.
    4) I can not upload my site.

    The above symptoms are on one of my two discountasp.net accounts. Only one! The other is fine.

    So... Here is a screenshot.


    I have tried everything I have been advised and that I can myself think of including:

    Alternating PASV mode and all other settings
    Turn off Antivirus and Internet Security, Firewall etc...
    Turn off Router Firewall (so I have no security running at all)
    Reboot router altogether
    Try every setting in 3 or 4 different FTP Clients
    Connecting using Windows Explorer
    Changing passwords
    Changing folder permissions (by the web interface) .... on and on...

    The best part is that I have another account open in SmartFTP that works PERFECTLY!! They are both discountasp.net accounts!

    I have even made a video! Yes I am desperate! It is here : http://www.novodevelopments.com/ftp-hell.wmv (this is hosted on the discountasp.net account that WORKS!)

    So I have 2 discount asp.net accounts.
    One works.
    I do not know why.
    I have had no reply at all from tech support today (I have sent then 4 or 5 emails).
    I have made screen grabs.
    I have made a video.
    I can not upload the website after 2 days of trying.
    I have no answers.

    Can anyone out there help?

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    this error can be related to something locking the ca directory.

    There can be only 2 things in this case, the FTP server or the HTTP server.

    Try stop the website and recycle the application in the control panel (wait 30 minutes) and try upload again.
  3. This I have already tried. Thanks for the reply anyway!

    Any other ideas? No one has a solution so far. Check the above video :)
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    hmmm weird!!. have u opened a support ticket?
  5. I have a ticket open. I have also now been able to upload the site but only after being assigned a static IP! So there is no solution yet. I think it is currently with senior engineers.

    I really want to know what is going on. Nobody has found the answer yet, but the engineer did tell me in an email he has a theory he is going to test. So I am awaiting his findings.

    2 full days trying to find an answer and everyone thought is was me who was failing! Like I was making it all up! That was the frustrating part.

    I trust that they will find the answer soon enough.
  6. mjp


    I know it can seem like that, but honestly, we have to go through the obvious and common issues before we start looking for something unusual. Because the vast majority of these kinds of problems are due to the same handful of common configuration issues.
  7. I was not talking about the staff! I understand their position. I was talking about the people who were looking to me to do the basic task of uploading their website. They thought that I was not competent or being obstructive, making excuses etc...

    When I was thinking of how to explain it, I was getting that feeling myself!

    So I was not having a go at the staff, I know they are doin' their best and I appreciate it. ;)
  8. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    this is rather strange.. if works w/ UIP but not a shared IP.

    I can test on my machine if you want to send me instruction.
  9. I am not sure how many people work there, or what offices but a guy called Daniel is currently testing this to try and find answers. You may want to ask him (if you can find him).

    I really want to know what he finds! I am puzzled.
  10. mjp


    We can (usually) find Daniel. ;) He's a system administrator so you couldn't have anyone higher up checking into it for you. But because he's an SA it also may take a bit of time for him to really have a chance to take a close look.

    We are all here in the same office in Los Angeles, by the way, with some remote staff to tend to the UK data center when necessary. Real office, real company, no garage, no leased "managed servers" at some colo or server farm.
  11. And again!!

    I now have another discountasp.net account that does this. It is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING!!! :mad:

    Do I have to purchase a static IP address just to upload files!!!

    What can cause the FTP to hang on the same file/folder each time?

    It is NOT the FTP client software.
    It is NOT my connection or network.

    I have spent days on this and the issue is not resolved.

    The problem is the same each time. Precisely the same each time.


    It does not matter which FTP client. It is always the same.

    I can not afford to waste any more time on FTP!! (It sounds crazy to even write this! Wasting time on FTP! Not building the application but FTP!)
  12. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  13. FTP should just work... it is simple.

    This is not a solution. Please, I just wish to upload some files? Without error at EXACTLY the same point in the transfer process.

    The fact is that without a static IP address the infrastructure is not capable of uploading sites from my location.

    Not one person has found a solution or even an explanation.

    Why does a folder named 'config' fail to list the directory and timeout yet if I upload a folder named 'xconfig' it will work perfectly. Rename the folder to 'config' and the folder is renamed but the list command fails immediately and every time.

    No, it is not my firewall or any other security. The very same codebase has been uploaded hundreds of times to many server from my machine, without this issue. This is something I have only had here with discountasp. :(

    Somewhere in the network there is a bottleneck/prevention.

    This is NOT a timeout issue, the effects of the problem are 100% consistent, every time the same.

    It is NOT my network or firewall or FTP client software. I have other accounts that work fine.

    Without a static IP address FTP DOES NOT WORK.

    I have spent literally days of my life on this. I am not wasting any more.

    There is somewhere something preventing specific file types, filenames from being transferred. This IS the issue. It is 100% repeatable/demonstrable.

    Without a static IP address FTP DOES NOT WORK. With, it does.

    If it can not be solved then an exaplination would be good, from anyone?
  14. It sounds very similar to a problem I saw recently in my day job. Publishing files for a web application onto the corporate network file server (that was in fact a NAS device) was very problematic. We encountered unexplainable permissions problems and after about a week of looking for the cause, we resolved (worked around ;-)) the issue by renaming a single folder in the application. Once renamed the problem just disappeared.

    Our in house infrastructure guys did not have a clue what was going on and they have now referred the problem to the NAS vendor who are still investigating. Of course your problem might be something completely different, but there are some common symptoms here. I expect the guys at DASP are the only ones who can really get to the bottom of this for you.
  15. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    this has to be something to do w/ networking. i just don't have enough info to tell you what's wrong.

    have you already created a ticket?
  16. Well, if the information contained in this thread is not enough then I do not know what to do.

    I did create a video (now deleted) in the first few posts.
    I have ad more than one ticket on this open in the past.
    I have looked at this issue for 2 weeks with one past ticket.
    I have posted an image of the latest FTP prevention (that is what it is).

    It is simple.

    1) Without a static IP address I can not upload my site with discountasp.net
    2) The FTP process fails on specific folder/filenames each time 100% guaranteed. Therefore NOT timeout or an issue with my network etc..etc.. (this is what I ALWAYS get thrown at me).
    3) I have many other accounts that all work perfectly. So it is not my network.
    4) My internet connection is great, fast and works very well. Don't try and blame that again. All my other accounts work perfectly. So it is not my network.
    5) It is not my security settings. I have turned everything else off and tried.
    6) It is not my FTP client software. It is the same with all of them and my other accounts work fine.

    So. I put a website into the upload queue. Begin the transfer and when I reach a specific folder (usually after about 30 seconds) or so it stops uploading. Times out.

    EVERY TIME. The same file folder. 100%. To be clear when I say 'The same file folder' it does not mean that it only happens with one folder. It happens with many. But the effect can be reproduced 100%. This is why it can not be a network timeout.

    What would be the chances of a network timeout happening at the same point in a 2000+ file transfer every time?

    The simple fact is. Everything works perfectly when I purchase a static IP.
    Without, it does not work. This points me in the direction of the infrastructure that handles dynamic IPs.
  17. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Not to be confused w/ home DSL / Cable service, there's no such thing as dynamic IP in our infrastructure. They are all static IPs.

    By default, the site is assigned a shared IP, ie. the IP is shared amongst multiple sites and IIS uses host header to figure out which site to route the request to.

    Like I said in my previous post, the problem looks like a networking related issue and you should open a support ticket if you have not done so.
  18. I have already had a support ticket open. It was open for more than 2 weeks (see above post history). No solution was found. Discountasp.net set up a static IP address on a temp basis just so I could upload the application.

    Just to add more information to this. Yesterday I got another discountasp.net account. it is on eweb103.discountasp.net. It works WITHOUT static IP address. I was stunned. eweb102.discountasp.net account does not work without!

    Why is that? What could (even theoretically) cause that?

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