Still trying to deploy my site

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by ryguy7272, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. Sorry for posting about this a couple times now, but I still am not able to deploy my site. This is the URL:

    I deployed earlier this evening, and when the login page page showed up, I thought it was working. However, the feeling was fleeting, because as soon as I 'logged in' the site went down and now I can seem to get it reset...or whatever it's called.

    I have the following web forms:
    I have the same hierarchy under IIS Tools > Default Documents.

    I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Does anyone have any ideas about what may be wrong with this configuration?

  2. There's definitely a problem at the moment. Visiting results in "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server".

    Either your db connection string is incorrect or the DASP database server has blown up.
  3. The whole site works fine when I run it in ASP.NET. When I deploy it to, problems ensue. I think the connection string is ok. How can I tell? I'm not sure what the DASP database server is, but I would think the database server would be, right. There must be a simple fix for this; I just don't know what it do.

  4. Can login and logout, but can’t re-login again

    Here is my login URL:

    This allows me to login and see all contents of my site; basically works fine.

    My logout page URL is:

    When I click the logout hyperlink, I get to this URL:
    (same as above)

    When I click the login URL, I get this URL:

    That is totally different from the original login URL which was this:

    Now, when I try to login with the username and password, I get transported to the logout URL:

    How can I reset the login URL so it always points to this:

  5. The DASP database server connection string is shown in the database section in the control panel (with asterixes for the password). Make sure what you have in your application level web.config for the database connection string matches the connection string as it is shown in the database section in the control panel. Make sure you replace the asterixes with your real password in the application web.config to enable the web application to connect to the database.

    If you still have problems after checking that, just follow up with another post and we'll think again.
  6. Thanks for the follow up, CrystalCMS. I have some asterisks for my password, under > Account Info/Edit. However, I don't have any asterisks anywhere in my ASP.Net project. I can find the connection string in web.config (looks fine). I looked at the Control Panel on the side and saw the following configuration:

    CP API: ENABLED API Key:* j1JgLhbJOnN92LuNiqYi2nnIHnskMWd8wMbIkekLEg6Qqdu4QqvAcTrSxadJTGC5 Sandbox Key:* 4zS46MjXJnY9p9xFTcVnTsly0J9U80V0RC2ek9uQ6CEllnEKWGkh8D2cXRU6fU7K * Case Sensitive Web Service URL IP White List:
    Multiple IP's must be separated with a comma and no spaces. Blank will deny all.
    Your current IP Address:

    I’m not sure what any of this means. I can’t tell if it is right or not. Do I need to change something here? I get the feeling that everything is fine in my ASP.NET project, but there is something wrong with my configuration on the side of things.

    Please advice.

  7. mjp


    Those links all point to your local computer.

    That's the Control Panel API. It doesn't have anything to do with your database connection, and shouldn't have anything to do with site errors (though I suppose it could, but we couldn't hazard a guess as to why, since you can do a lot of things with it). The API is used to set up email, do database backups, etc. outside of Control Panel.


    It is nice of Joe to offer to help with your issues, but honestly, if the site is dying when you log in to admin, you might want to get some help from a developer who can sit with you and go over all these things face to face. I would just hate to see you fix one problem then have to deal with another, using strictly the forum for help. It's going to be frustrating taking that route, and with a little one on one help you could probably fix all the issues in one sitting, saving yourself a lot of time.

    Just a suggestion. You are certainly welcome to keep posting.
  8. Does have an option for SQL server? Can godaddy handle data-driven sites? All I want to do is post my site. I've been trying to deploy for nearly 2-months; still unable to the my data to the web. I don't believe that things are this difficult; I just don't believe it. No one would use this if it was always this difficult to deploy.
  9. Now my site crashes even with a fresh upload. I can't even view the login page now. Isn't there some kind of instructions to follow for deployment? If there was something to read, I could just read it and do what it says. Are people just supposed to guess what to do? So far, I have guessed wrong every time I've tried to do something.
  10. Hmm. Since your fresh upload the website that is hosted at looks no better or worse than the situation I reported in post #2 above; in fact the symptoms are exactly the same at the moment.

    Following this thread your problems seems to be caused by a mixture of configuration problems and possibly some code bugs (maybe minor). It's true that there is no step by step guide that will tell you how to easily fix these issues; I could be wrong but I doubt I will ever see the day when there will be a step by step development and deployment guide that works for everyone and every possible application scenario because systems are too complex. The closest you are going to find to a step by step guide will be the webcast videos that wisemx has put together over at DASPTV.

    It might feel like you really need ESP to get this right but for experienced software developers this feeling is fairly routine - in fact the DASP environment is much better documented and supported than other technical issues I confront on a daily basis in my day job!

    I'm leaning towards agreeing with mjp here; in other words it might be best for you to find a software developer you can trust to take ownership of your application code and deployment problems.

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