FTP TIMEOUT, staff has no clue??!!

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by helpforhorm, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. helpforhorm

    helpforhorm Guest

    SO I'm arguing with your support staff right now about ftp timeouts...
    They seems to think every server is configured the same, when in fact they're not. We have a few hosting accounts and all but the most recent have ftp timeouts set to 300 seconds...

    This means when connecting to the ftp server to upload files, if the connection is inactive for more than 300 seconds (5 minutes) the connection is closed.

    This is quite short but I can deal with it.

    However, this new hosting is set to 120 seconds, meaning after 2 minutes of inactivity the connection is closed. Which is much more annoying when trying to make an update to a file.

    here is the support transcript in which I cannot believe the level of incompetence. I make a simple request and they turn it in to an argument, like usual.!!

    Hello, could you please increase the timeout time on the ftp from 120 seconds to 300 or whatever maximum you allow? thank you


    I am sorry to hear you are having a problem with your FTP server.

    We will need a verbose error log from your FTP client in order to further troubleshoot this issue. Please use an FTP client that produces verbose logs. If you don't already have one, you can download the FileZilla FTP client at:


    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    There is no error!!!

    Please read what I have to say before replying this time.

    You have the ftp server set to time out idle connections after 120 seconds!
    I want it set to at least 300 seconds like our other hosting accounts with you!

    To avoid any possible confusion, let me first state that all servers are configured the same, we are not experiencing any issues, nor have we had any other complaints. If you are having an issue, we would be happy to help, however we are going to need some information to do so.

    As per our previous message, please use an FTP client that provides a verbose log such as filezilla and provide us with a copy of the log and the error and we will be happy to help.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    So my question is... at what point should I be getting annoyed with your lack of support....?
  2. mjp


    Hmm, my question would be at what point should support become annoyed with you?

    You can insult and demean all you'd like, but unless you come up with a log file, there is no issue to investigate. If you can't be bothered to provide the troubleshooting information requested, there is nothing we can do to help you.
  3. helpforhorm

    helpforhorm Guest

    Show me where i insulted you or demeaned you.

    You have insulted me by completely refusing to address the problem on your servers.

    As I stated, there is no log file, you are just trying to avoid helping me.

    The message I receive is "421 Timeout (120 Seconds): closing control connection."

    What else do you want form me to help me? or are you just going to not help me?

    Try helping your customers instead of being so ignorant. the problem is a setting in your ftp server applet, look for the timeout, you have it set to 120 seconds...
  4. mjp


    The way this works is there is a process that we follow. In order for that process to work, we need certain things from you. If you can't provide what we need, the process stops.

    You do not appear to be willing or able to send log files, and that's fine, that's your prerogative. If you change your mind we would be happy to look at any logs you can send. We need to see what the FTP client is doing when the connection is broken. It could very well be that one server is not configured like every other server. But we need to see the log to determine which end of the wire the problem is on.

    Support can't go to system administration and say, "This guy says the FTP timeout is different." System administration is going to say, "Show me the FTP log." That may sound harsh or unreasonable, but that's the way it is for a reason. We hear hundreds of "<whatever> is broken!" reports for every one time <whatever> is really broken. For that reason, it is not feasible to check out every report of problems.

    That being the case, unfortunately, the onus falls on the user to show us something more than just their word that something is wrong. Sorry. I know it's frustrating sometimes, but it has to be that way.

    But honestly, in all the time that has been spent discussing this (and you calling us ignorant and incompetent), you could have sent an FTP log about 900 times, and if there is a problem, it could have been solved. But here we are.

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