AOL rejecting emails from

Discussion in 'Email' started by Evil Dale, Jan 30, 2010.

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  1. It looks like AOL is currently rejecting emails we send automatically from our website (when someone places an order, creates an account etc.)

    In the rejection email it's telling us it's getting a "421 DYN:T1" error, which according to this means that "The IP address you are sending from has been temporarily rate limited due to lack of whitelisting, unexpected changes in volume, or poor IP reputation".

    By using this tool you can check the reputation of the IP of, which says that it is neutral, which is probably why it is being blocked.

    Is it possible for you to contact AOL and apply to get this mail server whitelisted?
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    dealing w/ AOL is a real pain.. we whitelisted some of our outbound gateway several years ago and it took us like 3 months.

    I am certain that our email guy are already aware of the issue. I'll drop him an email just in case.
  3. really MUST be fixed

    "dealing w/ AOL is a real pain..."

    Aww, that must be very tough on you.

    It is not acceptable for MY emails to be blocked because of YOUR problems. This has to be fixed.
  4. Ramses

    Ramses Guest

    I'm pretty sure he said they were working on it
  5. mjp


    Do tell us all your solution to dealing with AOL. I would like to hear it.

    Have you ever called your cable company or or any other service provider and been frustrated by the process? Well, multiply that several thousand times and you'll begin to get some idea of what it's like trying to get any information in to - or out of - AOL.

    If you think we're sitting back sipping cocktails and staring at the clouds you're mistaken. We're doing everything we can do. But what we can do is limited.
  6. mjp


    Our mail admin spoke to someone at AOL and they have removed the block. It may take an hour or two for the removal to propagate.

    Um, scratch that, I just received an email from AOL saying it could take TWO DAYS - though I expect they say that just to cover themselves. I would not expect it to take that long.

    FWIW - the AOL guy said they are very understaffed at the moment and have been slow to reply to block inquiries.

    Also, we tried to work around this yesterday by assigning a new IP to the blocked server, but the IP did not have a mail reputation so Gmail began blocking it and we had to switch the IP back.
  7. Thanks for that.
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