IIS Remote Manager Error - The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by guht, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. I am trying to connect to my discountasp.net site using the IIS Manager.

    I am using Windows 7 Professional, IIS 7.5, and I have the latest IIS Manager module.

    What I have tried already:

    1. I verified all my account info.
    2. I verified that I had enabled a user with proper permissions to remotely administer IIS.
    3. I have tried to connect to the server.
    4. I have tried to connect to site.
    5. I have tried every possible iteration and url combination I can think of.
    6. I have tried adding a different user.
    7. I have changed password.
    8. I have made sure CAPSLOCK is off.

    I have attached screenshots below that show some of my:
    1. account info
    2. version of IIS
    3. values I have tried when connecting to "server", and the resulting error
    4. values I have tried when connecting to "site", and the resulting error

    Things you will notice:
    1. I am using the alternative URL specified in my account because my domain is not yet pointing to discountasp.net
    2. In the first example I use the full alternative url as the server, but I have also tried just using "web709.discountasp.net" as server name.
    3. As stated previously I have tried every URL iteration I can think of for both server and site connection options




    I really need to get this working. Thanks so much for your time!
  2. I was only allowed 7 images in original post so I am attaching the remaining 3 that illustrate the settings for the "SITE" connection, and the resulting error.

  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    your site name is wrong. use your domain name w/o the www.
  4. Bruce,

    I am not using "WWW." in my site name.

    I think perhaps you are confused because I intentionally blurred out part of the image that contains my full site name in an effort to keep sensitive data off the public forums.

    In the image below the blurred out portion is actually the beginning portion of my site name.

    So for example if my site name was "masterventc.web709.discountasp.net", what you would be seeing in the image is "master" blurred out, and "ventc.web709.discountasp.net"

    At no point did I put "WWW." in any of the value fields.


    Thanks Bruce!
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    you are putting in the alternative URL; that is NOT the site name. Please put your domain name in there.
  6. Thanks Bruce! That worked... :)

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