We are trying to upload a basic photoshop .psd file to use as our website homepage. How can we do so? Thanks in advance for your reply....
...Indeed. If you don't have PS but are using Expression Studio you can do that with Expression Design.
how/where to upload my site(image) at discountasp.net? Thanks for the replies and sorry for the truly newbie questions....but how/where can I upload the file at discountasp.net? This is for posting a picture file (png, jpg, or gif) as our website homepage. Unfortunately discountasp really provides no support at all. Thank you!
..If you have no FTP or development IDE, like Visual Studio, you can download one for free. http://www.dasptv.com/avc-view.aspx?videoid=28&categoryid=1
Actually we provide quite a bit of support. 200 - 250 tickets a day. But not for something like this, no. Not in the helpdesk, anyway. Maybe this blog article can give you a little insight as to why that is.