URL rewriting issues

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by dinalli, May 4, 2011.

  1. Hi

    Hoping some one can shed some light on this or has had a similar experience and resolved it.

    Basically I have the following.


    and Foo is set up as a Application using its own web.config etc.

    However my issue comes around when I want to do URL rewriting, as they just seem to be ignored at this level.

    for example

    if I type in


    my Url rules should send it to


    but this doesnt happen at all.

    Any ideas ?

    Im begining to wonder if this is because I have the rules set up at the web application level ?
  2. ...Are you using the IIS7 Manager?
  3. Same issue - with IIS 7 manager

    I am experiencing the same issue, and I am using IIS 7 manager.
    If my site is found at www.mysite.com/myapp, and "myapp" is a subdirectory set as an application, I expect this rule:


    to take me to this page:


    but instead I get error 404 - not found.

    Help is most appreciated.
  4. Can you post the relevant bit of your rewriting code and part of your web config file?

    pretty sure '$' could only be used to access local network drive \C$, \D$ never seen it used to access directory in a drive

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