There appears to be some sort of issue at the moment but I don't see anything in the outage / maintenance threads: My application is currently failing to connect to it's db on and I don't seem to be able to login to the control panel to log a support request at the moment. I'm hosted in the UK data centre if that helps track this.
Same problem here and the problem has also widened to the fact we can not log a support issue as I assume the SQL Servers behind that are also failing. Why no provision for telephone support?
Same problem, site down, can't log into my account. US-based server. Outage page now mentions login issue but no mention whatsoever about failing application connections... Did you get a reply to your ticket? Nothing on my end. I have no clue what these guys are doing, my site has been down for 4 f!#$## hours and not one word, nothing! This has been happening a bit too often for my taste lately.
Monitor the thread that's been posted by the team in outages and communicate with support directly via your own ticket. The problem is being worked on.
If you have an open request, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to field your ticket yet, there are several support requests that are open right now and I'm doing what I can to help out. Beyond the issue with the Control Panel itself, there were two other incidents that may have affected your site. ESQL2K801 was unavailable because the SQL Server service had crashed and there were some problems with some of the SQL Server 2000 databases as well. Again, we're working as quickly as we can to handle all of the open requests and I'm sorry for the delayed responses.