banner images on the corporate site link to us page

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by CrystalCMS, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. I'm referring to this page:
    Can anyone confirm if these are broken links for the reference banner images or is it just me? If they're broken can they please be fixed? Cheers Joe
  2. mjp


    Thanks Joe, we'll take a look.
  3. mjp


  4. This is quite strange - I know these are only images but it's strange all the same.
    Yes that's one of the images in question and I can see that the img link you posted works when I navigate to it directly but all of these images refuse to render in the linkToUs page.

    So I then thought "this is some weird Chromium on Lubuntu behaviour" so I tried on Win7 with Chrome but I got the same thing there.

    Stranger too is that all other images in the page are working fine but the banner images fail for some reason. I'm not sure if it's related to permissions on the /banners folder the images are living in or something like that.

    Here's a screenshot showing how the page looks in the browser for me with the Chrome network tools showing what happened for these images.

    Attached Files:

  5. Yes it turns out it is just me - and probably anyone else on Chrome running the the Adblock Plus extension. ABP is preventing these images from rendering in the link to us page by default. I think that says a lot about my internet browsing habits doesn't it?
    I'm sorry for the hassle and thanks for taking a look.
  6. mjp


    It's no hassle. I suppose it makes sense that an adblocker would block those. They are ads after all. ;)

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