Hej there, i am a really new here and... I have read old post: "Is there a simple procedure or instructions for how to install phpMyAdmin on our discountasp control panel? MySQL database has already been purchased, but we need the phpMyAdmin tool to access it and import data easily." And answer is here: ------------------------------------------------ "Just upload the files to a subdirectory, put your server hostname (you can find that here, on the MySQL Server Name line) into the config file (config.inc.php) and it should work. $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'MySQL Server Name'; You might also want to add a value to this line to enable cookie authentication: $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'something'; It should work with just those two changes to config.inc.php. ------------------------------------------------------- i have som questions to this message: "Just upload the files (must I upload some files ? what kind of files? where I can find them?)to a subdirectory( what place exactly, must I make a new map or in the exsisting map?), put your server hostname (you can find that here, on the MySQL Server Name line) into the config file (config.inc.php) (where can I find that file? How can I edit it on the host or must I make a copy of that on my computer, but how to do a copy if I dont have any tools to copy from databese?) and it should work. Thanks for help anyway.
Download phpMyAdmin here. Don't know what you mean by "map." You would upload the files to a directory you create via FTP. In the above download. If your intention is only to make database backups, I would recommend MySQL Workbench rather than phpMyAdmin. The backup/restore function is much better.
Thank you, thank you so mutch, it's easy now. I am very happy to have a possibility to get answers for my questions...