How to install the ASP.NET 2.0 Small Business Starter Kit on DiscountASP.NET servers

Discussion in 'ASP.NET Starter Kits' started by Takeshi Eto, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Thanks towisemx for bringing the Small Business Site Starter Kit to our attention.

    - ASP.NET 2.0
    - Visual Web Developer (VWD)
    - SQL Express if you intend to develop on your local machine
    1) Download the starter kit on your computer from
    2) Open Visual Stdio 2005 and Select File>New>WebSite>Small Business Starter Kit(VB/C#)

    3)By default,XML Provider is used and all data is stored in XML files ,but if you want to use the SQL provider instead (See Step 2) ,update the Web.config file as :

    STEP 1:
    - Comment out the following:
    <remove name="SQLConnectionString"/>
    <add name="SQLConnectionString"
    connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLExpress;integrated security=true;attachdbfilename=|DataDirectory|SmallCompanyDB.mdf;user instance=true"/>

    - Add the following:
    <remove name="SQLConnectionString"/>
    <add name="SQLConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=<sql server name>;Integrated Security=False;Initial Catalog=<DB_Name>;User ID=<db_user>;Password=<DB_password>" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

    STEP 2: (SKIP if XMLProvider is to be used)
    <SmallBusinessDataProviders peopleProviderName="xmlProvider" testimonialsProviderName="xmlProvider" catalogProviderName="xmlProvider" newsProviderName="xmlProvider">
    <SmallBusinessDataProviders peopleProviderName="sqlProvider" testimonialsProviderName="sqlProvider" catalogProviderName="sqlProvider" newsProviderName="sqlProvider" >

    4) Upload all the source files to our web server.For more information see
    5) Using the Web Application tool configure the application folder as a web application using the Web Application Tool in the control panel.For more information on Web Application Tool see :
    6)Attach the uploaded SmallCompanyDB.mdf using the SQl tools.This file can be found under App_Data.For further information see (SQL 2000) or (SQL 2005)
    You can run the SetupDatabase.sql which can be found within the App_Data,which creates the database schema using the following command in your command prompt
    (Note:SQLCMD comes with the Visual Studio / SQL Express installation)

    The DiscountASP.NET Team
  2. Good job. [​IMG]

    One suggestion, of small importance. . .
    Change the Contact page to contact forms instead of listing e-mail addresses.
    This will help to reduce spam.
  3. On the remote server (, Igot application error when clicking on services.The application is working finelocally. Any help.

    Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Category' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Source Error:

    Line 26:             // populate the TreeView from scratch
    Line 27:             TreeViewCategories.Nodes.Clear();
    Line 28:             List<Category> rootCategories = Catalog.GetChildCategories(String.Empty); // get root level ones
    Line 29:             foreach (Category c in rootCategories)
    Line 30:             {
    Source File: e:\web\webwisetech\htdocs\Services.aspx.cs Line: 28
  4. I recommend you to re-upload all the files again.


  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    ya... definitely looks like some files are missing.


  6. pxavier said...
    On the remote server (, Igot application error when clicking on services.The application is working finelocally. Any help.

    Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Category' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Source Error:

    Line 26:             // populate the TreeView from scratch
    Line 27:             TreeViewCategories.Nodes.Clear();
    Line 28:             List<Category> rootCategories = Catalog.GetChildCategories(String.Empty); // get root level ones
    Line 29:             foreach (Category c in rootCategories)
    Line 30:             {
    Source File: e:\web\webwisetech\htdocs\Services.aspx.cs Line: 28

    if you see Stored Procedures in SQL 2005
    you see

    but GetChildCategories no have??

    If you use XML is no promplem. but you use SQL Provide.

  7. The following should resolve this issue:

    1>Make sure your App_Code and its child directories are not set as Web Applications.If yes,please uninstall the web application(using web application tool in the control panel) on any of child folders except the application itself.For some reason if you have front page installed,it messes with your App_Code directory
    2>Uninstall front page extensions.
    3>Re-upload all the files.

    There was no issue at the backend again


  8. These instructions are still accurate. If I can do it, anyone can.[​IMG]
  9. Hello all,

    I am receiving the error mentioned below, please help.

    Server Error in '/' Application.

    Compilation Error

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif]Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

    Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Category' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Source Error:

    Line 26: // populate the TreeView from scratch Line 27: TreeViewCategories.Nodes.Clear(); Line 28: List<Category> rootCategories = Catalog.GetChildCategories(String.Empty); // get root level ones Line 29: foreach (Category c in rootCategories) Line 30: {
    Source File: e:\web\gregkramera\htdocs\Items.aspx.cs Line: 28 [/FONT]
  10. How is this application created? Is it a precompiled application? Make sure you have all the required assembly and components uploaded to your applications bin directory? If it is precompiled you will need to make sure you compiled it with all the required parts for it to work.
  11. Hello raymondp,

    Sorry for the trouble but i a am a complete newbie with SQL so please bare with me. I followed steps 1 & Downloaded the starter kit on my computer then 2 Opened Visual Stdio 2005 and Select File>New>WebSite>Small Business Starter Kit(VB/C#) then 3 as i wanted to use the SQL provider updated the Web.config file as <connectionStrings>
    <remove name="SQLConnectionString"/>
    <add key="SQLConnectionString" value=";DATABASE=SQL2005_165798_learn;User ID=SQL2005_165798_learn_user;Password=*****"/>
    then the <SmallBusinessDataProviders peopleProviderName="sqlProvider" testimonialsProviderName="sqlProvider" catalogProviderName="sqlProvider" newsProviderName="sqlProvider">
    then as per step 4 uploaded the web.config file on to the web server then 5 Using the Web Application tool configure the application folder as a web application using the Web Application Tool in the control panel. Lastly 6 Attached the uploaded SmallCompanyDB.mdf using the SQl tools this file is found under App_Data

    But now when accessing i get a error also i cannot access teh database.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

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