How to install the ASP.NET 2.0 Time Tracker Starter Kit

Discussion in 'ASP.NET Starter Kits' started by vvsharma, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. Installing the ASP.NET 2.0 Time Tracker Starter Kit


    - ASP.NET 2.0
    - Visual Web Developer (VWD)
    - SQL Express if you intend to develop on your local machine

    1) Download and install the starter kit on your computer from Once installed, the Time Tracker Starter Kit should be one of the available templates in VWD

    2) Open Visual Web Developer

    3) Create a local copy of the site

    - Select File -> New -> Website. This should bring up the New Web Site dialogue box.
    - Select 'Time Tracker Starter Kit (Language:VB/C#)'
    - In Location: Select 'File System'
    - Put in a location where you want VWD to install the web site
    - Select either Visual Basic or Visual C# as language
    - Hit OK

    4) Install the Database Schema on DiscountASP.NET SQL server

    - Now you have the SQL script file 'timetracker-add.sql' and the database file called 'TimeTracker.mdf' available in /App_code directory of the Project.
    - You can use either of them as follows:

    (I)To use the former(timetracker-add.sql) to install the Timetracker database schema,do as follows:

    osql -S <sql server name> -U <db_user> -P <DB_password> -d <DB_Name> -i <path to the starterKit>\App_data\timetracker-add.sql

    (II)To use the later (TimeTracker.mdf) to install the Timetracker database schema (Only for MS SQL 2005),do as follows

    a)Copy all the project folders/files to our web server (See KB:
    b)Goto: 'Control Panel>Datatbase Management>SQL 2005>SQL Tool Suite' and enter a relative path to your applications TimeTracker.mdf (/App_Data/TimeTracker.mdf) in the Attach tool.
    c>Click 'Attach MDF file' and once done return to step 5.

    5) Once the timetracker database schema is created you need to set up membership / role provider database schema

    See KB:

    6) Update the Web.config file

    - Comment out the following:

    <add name='aspnet_staterKits_TimeTracker' connectionString='Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\TimeTracker.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True' providerName='System.Data.SqlClient' />

    - Add the following:

    <add name='aspnet_staterKits_TimeTracker' connectionString='Data Source=<sql server name>;Initial Catalog=<DB_Name>;User ID=<db_user>;Password=<DB_password>' />


    <add name='LocalSqlServer' connectionString='Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|TimeTracker.mdf;User Instance=true' />


    <add name='LocalSqlServer' connectionString='Data Source=<sql server name>;Initial Catalog=<DB_Name>;User ID=<db_user>;Password=<DB_password> />

    7) Copy your site to DiscountASP.NET servers (Only if Step 4(II) not followed)
    See KB:

    8) Setup the directory as a web application using the Web Application Tool in the control panel.



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