301 redirecting in IIS7 from an obsolete URL

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by jpweber, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. Thank you vv
    I first want to thank vvsharma for the article posted on the II7 Web Manager features. It was very informative, especially to a person of lesser intelligence such as myself.

    I'm learning!
    I've figured out -- for search engine/duplicate content purposes -- how to set up a 301 redirect so that users typing in mydomain.com are redirected to www.mydomain.com, so Google doesn't think there are two duplicate sites. It took me a minute, but I figured it out using II7, and it showed up in my web.config, and it works perfectly. All is good .... sort of.

    The problem
    I had a page set up at mydomain.com/SERVICES/beadtracker.aspx and I have moved the file to another folder. It's now located at mydomain.com/PRODUCTS/beadtracker.aspx. Okay, so obviously I want to set up a 301 redirect for when Google points to the old URL, or an end-user bookmarked the old URL, they're redirected to the new URL.

    Temporary solution
    I put a band-aid on it and used the ol' html way for now ... put a meta-redirect in the head of the page.

    I'd like a permanent solution like this
    But I know I can do better. I want to do it the ASP.NET 4.0 way. I bet it's possible via IIS, but I can't figure it out for the life of me. Can somebody please help me set up these redirects? There are 3 items that changed folders ... the beadtracker is just one of 'em.

    I thank you for your time in reading this long posting, and I really do sincerely appreciate anybody kind enough to guide me in the right direction!

    Jason Weber
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Yes.. you can do it w/ IIS Manager's HTTP Redirection feature.
  3. Thank you people for your response. Bruce. I did so, and the redirect is working perfectly.
  4. mjp



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