My web site works fine on my local development system which is Vista. My standard practice is to upload it to a sub-directory of my main web site called "Test" and make sure it works up there. And if it does work, I upload the site to the root of my web site - my live site. I've been doing this just fine for more than a year now with many updates. But for some reason now my web site works locally but I get "500 - Internal server error" when attempting to open the default.aspx page in my Test directory. I have no clue why this is happening. A couple days ago I added support for dynamic data but I'm pretty sure my site worked fine since I did this. What causes the "500 - Internal server error" and how can I fix it? My web site is
...Are you aware of Health Monitoring for ASP.NET? There's a lot of info on it on MSDN. You can log site page errors to SQL Server and/or have your site Email them to you. If you want to give it a try and need help let me know. All the best, Mark
Thanks for the suggestion. I've having trouble getting it working though. I created the SQL tables using the aspnet_regsql.exe tool described in And I updated by web.config as shown below. But the SQL logging isn't working. I purposely throw an exception on one of my pages and it gets logged to the eventlog but not SQL. I assume the problem is that maybe the permissions aren't correct on the SQL tables or stored procedure. According to the MSDN article I need to "Create a SQL Server logon for your Web application's identity. For example, create a network service and then create a database user for this logon in the Aspnetdb database. Grant the database user execute permission on the aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent stored procedure." I don't know how to do this and/or find it confusing. I've tried making "dbo" a member of the aspnet_WebEvent_FullAccess database role but get an error. I can't seem to add "SQL2008_474213_raincity_user" to that role either, or add a new login for it. Regardless, I can't seem to get any data about the 500 error. I tried putting diagnostic output in the Application_Error and Application_Start events, but nothing is getting output. I don't think my application is getting loaded at all on the server, even though it works fine on my local computer. <connectionStrings> <add name="healthMonitorConnectionString" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=SQL2008_474213_raincity;User ID=SQL2008_474213_raincity_user;Password=mypasswordhere" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </connectionStrings> <healthMonitoring enabled="true"> <eventMappings> <clear /> <add name="All Errors" type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseErrorEvent" startEventCode="0" endEventCode="2147483647" /> </eventMappings> <providers> <clear /> <add name="EventLogProvider" type="System.Web.Management.EventLogWebEventProvider" /> <add name="SqlWebEventProvider" connectionStringName="healthMonitorConnectionString" maxEventDetailsLength="1073741823" buffer="false" type="System.Web.Management.SqlWebEventProvider" /> </providers> <rules> <clear /> <add name="All Errors Default" eventName="All Errors" provider="EventLogProvider" profile="Default" minInstances="1" maxLimit="Infinite" minInterval="00:00:00" /> </rules> </healthMonitoring>
...I'll try and test the SQL version of this over the weekend. If you want my Email version let me know. All the best, Mark
I think that part of the problem is that my "test" folder/web-application, which is a subdirectory of my main web site, is not totally independent of the main web site. For example, if I attempt to access a page on the sub-site and that page does not exist, then I end up seeing the custom error page as defined in the web.config on the main site. So maybe my whole approach for beta-testing web sites is wrong. I was hoping that my "test" subdirectory would have totally isolated/independent behavior from the parent web site. I still am not confident I can get the SQL permissions set up properly, though.
...I enjoyed reading that and I have done the same sort of them for years, good practice. We can keep "dependence" out of test folders but I can't think of a good site isolation. On IIS7 I rather like the default error pages, they are more informative than previous IIS servers. On the IIS7 Test server here I created an error catch page and a Webcast to go with it. It's handy and does what it should but when running tests the default IIS7 error page is sometimes what I'd rather have. ;-) The Webcast is here if you're on IIS7 you may want to watch: (Webcasts 6 and 7)
I backed up my main site and copied the new one to the root level folder. It works. So apparently there was some problem with running my site in a sub-folder. Maybe the problem had to do with inherited web.config settings? I really don't know.