I can see that the MYSQL502 server was down last night and so my website was down for just under 8 hours Thats alot of downtime in a single period! I've noticed that my site has been down several times in the last few weeks but no where aslong as that I'm wondering if the UK servers are more reliable and if i contact support can i migrate to the uk servers if i make a request?
All the servers in both data centers are the same (Dell) and they are as reliable as any hardware can be. But unfortunately, hardware can fail. And a failure in hardware that isn't particularly old (we retire old hardware on a regular basis) is always unexpected. Having said all that, yes, you can migrate from the U.S. to U.K. data centers if that would be beneficial to you (and if you live outside of the U.S. it may well be). But I wouldn't advise migrating for hardware reasons.