Access WCF using Jquery

Discussion in 'ASP.NET WebServices' started by AlSmith, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. I have developed an html page that access a wcf service using JQuery1.3.2. It works fine on vs2008 using .net3.5. However, when I deploy it to, I get an error of "unidentified" and it does not appear to enter the class in the wcf service. I've tried various combinations of Factory or web.config setting on VS2008 and they all work fine. I've tried them all on and none of them work. On one configuration, I got an "access denied" error message. I'm sure I'm missing something simple. Any thougths or suggests would be appreciated.


    Al Smith
  2. pinkpanther

    pinkpanther Guest


    So, when setting permission for that user on MachineA, all you need to do is say "Network Service" user has access. However, if on MachineB, you want to give the "Network Service" user of MachineA access to something on its machine, you need to give permission to "MachineANetwork Service"


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