Adding a GZipStream or DeflateStream to Response.Filter?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by ReTox, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. On my local ASP.NET Development Server, this code works :

  2. This code is working fine on DiscountASP.NET server(from glabal.asax file):
  3. Igor, thanks for the quick reply.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work as expected. I've changed my code and tested it in Firefox - with Firebug extension, it is still the same - the length of the response is the same as HTML page. So, it is not compressed.

    I also did a test on your website -, and if this is hosted on DiscountASP.NET (tracert says so) , the compression doesn't work.

    Can we get some official answer about this issue?
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I think support is referring to IIS's HTTP compression rather than using ASP.NET's compression. I think the code should work but I have not tested.


  5. I pointed support to this thread on forum, so there is no misunderstanding - we're talking about compression

    The IIS compression has to be enabled with altering metabase, as far as I know
  7. How big is your page? There is some initial size overhead for the GZip stream. So if you're just doing a "hello world", the gzip stream will be larger than uncompressed.

    Iused your code on a test page I made and here are the statistics according to Firefox:

    uncompressed size = 6.08 KB (6,228 bytes)
    compressed size = 0.28 KB (283 bytes)

    So it does work.


  8. Could you please check with the following page:

    My firebug says response is 5kb and html is also 5kb - not compressed at all.

    Did you try my code on 'regular' DASP hosting server? On my local machine everything works fine.

  10. Aristotle,

    thanks for testing.

    I am sorry for all this fuss, it seems that something is wrong with my Firebug extension on home computer, have no idea how did this happen.

    I tested right now on my office PC, also with firebug and it is exactly as you've said: 1.903 bytes

    I apologize once again,
  11. Yes, both code examples work as expected...

    I'm totally confused with Firebug extension bug. From now on I'll double check this issue. There is also this tool:


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