Admin product category Error

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by cinderellao, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. HI,

    I am trying to display admin product category. When viewed on the
    server it showed with ?=? sign at the beginning of the Product Code,
    Product Number, Product Price.
    When I try to correct somthing that I thing might be the problem it
    gives me error after error.
    Do you thing I need to remove the "=" sign from ASP?

    Advice Please
  2. Hi,
    We need a bit more info to help you.
    What exactly is the service/product you are having trouble with?
  3. Hi,
    I'm still guessing. [​IMG]

    In an installed application? From SQL Server via a .NET code page?
  4. Hi

    What hpppened is, in the filed text it shows:

    Product name "="Princes

    Product code"="CD40012

    Product price "=" £45

    I hope this will help to understand what I mean


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