Adult SPAM

Discussion in 'Email' started by smithmccann, May 13, 2009.

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  1. Last week I transferred my website and corresponding email addresses from EasyCGI to and immediately started getting really disgusting spam sent FROM my email addresses to me. Has anyone else had a problem with SPAM after transferring to
  2. mjp


    You may want to read this Knowledge Base article. It's likely that your previous host was doing some kind of global filtering that we do not do. But you have full control over your spam settings here through SmarterMail, so you should be able to weed out the more obvious spam.

    By default such spam should be marked in the subject line; SPAM-LOW, SPAM-MED or SPAM-HIGH. If you bypass the default SmarterMail settings (Settings > Domain Settings > Spam Filtering > Override spam settings for this domain > Options) you can choose to delete those messages or move them to a "junk" folder.
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