DiscountASP.NET is pleased to announce that Advanced Intellect's newest verion of aspNetPOP3 v2 and aspNetMime v2 .NET components are available as part of our webhosting package at no cost. aspNetPOP3 is an advanced POP3 server component used to retrieve POP3 email. It can download headers or messages, individually, or as ArrayLists and DataTables, providing data-bindable emails. aspNetPOP3 v2 now inlcudes built in synchronous and asynchrounous DNS blacklist support for Spam checking. aspNetMime is a server-side component that can be used to parse email/MIME messages and programmatically access any part of a message. aspNetMime now includes delayed delete capability and automatic HTML to plain text format conversion utility. For more information about these components, please visit: DiscountASP.NET http://www.DiscountASP.NET The Power of ASP.NET for Less