Anonymous ASPNet User disk space use

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by dZiTao, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. I am doing the back end maintenance for a site hosted here. Unfortunately I am not the one who wrote the code, nor maintains it, but I sure could use some help.

    Our site hosts files that are downloaded by paying users. The files are normally uploaded by me through the CMS system, which creates the links for clients to download the files. All the files are stored in a single directory.

    What I've noticed is that the control panel shows that the 'Anonymous ASPNet User' is using 650 MB of space. That's nearly 25% of our purchased disk space. The guy who maintains the code and I both don't think that this user account should be using that amount of space.

    I can't seem to figure out a way to see which files are going against that user's quota. I was working on this last night and thought that perhaps the CMS upload mechanism was using this account and so the files uploaded were going against that user's quota. I used FTP to over write some of the files I had recently uploaded and that did seem to bring the usage count down (from 725 MB to 650 MB). I thought I could fix the problem by FTPing all the files back to the server but that didn't seem to fix the problem.

    Anyway, that is a long winded way of saying, any ideas on how to figure out where the files allocated to this user are? I need to get the disk space managed here and sure could use the help!

  2. Thanks Chuck! I know that I wasn't very clear so I appreciate your responding. I've gotten part of it cleared up but still have 400 MB to find. The problem is that everything has gone into a single directory /downloads but some of the files have been put there by the application and allocated to Anon. ASPNet user, while others must have been FTPed and belong to the main user.

    So I have 2 questions, is there any way to tell which files are allocated to which user? Second, is there a way for the CMS application to assign ownership to another user account after it does the upload? I've also found out that if I use FTP to overwrite a file that is already allocated to the Anon. ASPNet User, it is still owned by that user. I have to delete the file and then FTP it to the server to have it owned by the main account user.

    Thanks for the help!

  3. Sorry, but your question is a little confusing. So let me just explain that the Anonymous ASPNet User is the user that your web applications use. Whenever your web application writes to disk, the Anonymous ASPNet User is charged for the space. If you were to upload via FTP using the primary account user name, the primary account user would be charged for the usage.

    In short, whatever user writes to disk is charged for the space. If that data is deleted, it is deducted from the user that wrote the files quota. If you need to determine what files belong to the Anonymous ASPNet User, you simply need to see where your web application writes to as your application should have a separate directory for this purpose.

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