I seem to have someone from the Ukraine probing a page on my site with several requests every 10-15 minutes. Is there any way to block a range of IP addresses or a single IP address from reaching my site?
If your account is hosted on one of our Windows 2008/IIS 7 or Windows 2012/IIS 8 servers you can use the ‘IP Address and Domain Restrictions’ module within IIS Manager to block an IP address or an IP address range. Once you have logged into your site via IIS Manager double click on the ‘IP Address and Domain Restrictions’ module and from the right hand side click on ‘Add Deny Entry’ and you can input either a single IP address or a range and click OK. If you do not already have IIS Manager installed on your local computer, please see the below knowledge base article for download/connection instructions. https://support.discountasp.net/KB/...e-server-using-the-microsoft-iis-manager.aspx