Anybody tried to use the ABCpdf ?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by GraemeRobson, Sep 4, 2007.

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  1. If so dd it work correctly or did you have problems initialising the component. I have followed instructions to configure the assembly in webconfig using;

    <add assembly="ABCpdf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7a0b3f5184f2169"/>

    But everytime I try to connect I get an error logging;=== Pre-bind state information ===
    LOG: DisplayName = ABCpdf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7a0b3f5184f2169
    Which is the wrong version number. This one has the discountasp techies stumped for the moment so I'm interested if anyone has any advice!
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    are you running this on your local computer?

    check the GAC and see which version you have installed on your computer.


  3. I am trying that now as well.

    I didn't have the trailing / on the assemly line.

    Also, did you include <%@ import Namespace='WebSupergoo.ABCpdf5' %>?

    My problem is that the server is reporting there isn't enough disk space to write the pdf. Thats another support issue.

  4. I am running on the DiscountASP server. I have recently tried to re-install the component locally so that I can add a web reference to VS2003. I could only find a version 6 of the component to download and it seems that the error page is reporting my local version number but the server's serial number!(although the local reference in Visual Studio doesn't specify anyserial number).

    Post Edited (Robbo) : 9/6/2007 1:35:57 PM GMT
  5. The error 'there isn't enough disk space to write' is usually caused by your ASPNet IUSR not having enough disk space alloted to it. Try logging into your dasp control panel and under User/Quota Manager increase the quota size for ASPNet IUSR.

  6. Thank you.
  7. Do you have to purchase this program in order to test and develop with it locally before uploading to DASP servers?
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