I'm looking for a search function for my ASP.NET 2.0 site. I have about 1,000 pages although each one is just 1 Kb. Has anyone tried these products on DiscountAsp.net? Sitesearch - $250 http://www.sitesearchasp.net/download.aspx Easy Search - $250 http://easysearchasp.net/ Their website seems dead since 2005 Code project http://www.codeproject.com/KB/applications/SearchDotnet.aspx Microsoft Search server express http://www.codeplex.com/sctsc http://www.microsoft.com/enterprisesearch/en/us/search-server.aspx Lucene.net http://www.ifdefined.com/blog/post/2009/02/Full-Text-Search-in-ASPNET-using-LuceneNET.aspxa Thanks.
You might want to take a look at http://www.google.com/sitesearch/ $100 p/a for 1000 pages, ad free and it supports customizable results. It is reliable and you can rely on Google to implement a good search algo that can deliver relevant results. The codeproject sample you mentioned is free of course but perhaps by the time you've worked out how to integrate it, it will probably add up to more than $100 of your time and only after implementation would you get a feel for how relevant its' results are.