are databound checkboxlist items always sorted based on datatextfield?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by ASPmatters, May 27, 2007.

  1. VIkram,

    Thanks for the response. You say 'by default' - does that imply that there is some way
    to make it sort in a non-default way, or do you mean simply that there is no control
    over the sorting order?

    I looked at the document you cited, but it isn't clear to me that it gets me any closer -
    if CheckBoxList always sorts alphabetically by DataTextField then it doesn't really
    matter what the data source is - once I bind it will sort the way it sorts (?).

    However, reading your message did cause me to think that maybe I can do this by
    creating a checkbox template for a column in a datagrid control - because that one
    lets me control the sort order (if I remember correctly...). I'll go look into that now.

    Thanks again,

  2. Sorry... I meant gridview, not datagrid
  3. I've created a checkboxlist by binding to a table in a database.

    The list appears sorted alphabetically by the field I specified as
    the DataTextField, not the order they occur in the table nor in
    the order of the specified DataValueField.

    Is this behavior hard-wired? I don't see any sort-related attributes
    for checkboxlist controls. I'd like to be able to sort on some other
    field than the displayed text...

    I suppose in principle I could add the items one-by-one programmatically,
    and I suppose (hope) they would then appear in the order in which
    they were added. I haven't tested this approach yet - seems a pain
    if there's a more direct method...

    Thanks for any help/insight.

  4. Outcome:

    First, a clarification of my original post with the benefit of hindsight: although I wanted
    to generate the checkboxlist item descriptions from a data table, I didn't want the actual
    checkbox statuses (checked vs. unchecked) bound to a set of data values. This only
    became clear to me when I tried to implement a solution using a gridview - creating
    a CheckBoxField in a gridview column binds the checkboxes to a yes/no type of data
    field, and unless editing is enabled it acts like a read-only display of those values.

    What I wanted was a list of checkboxes that the user could set arbitrarily and without
    being in edit mode - but I wanted the list of checkbox items to come from a table.

    The (or, I should say, one) solution (including the sorting problem I originally asked about)
    is to use a CheckBoxList and populate it on Page_Load by creating a SELECT query with
    the desired ORDER BY clause, then iterating through the results using a datareader to
    populate the checkboxlist.

    Here's the routine I call from the Page_Load handler:

    Protected Sub InitIssAndRecFilter()
    Dim con As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
    Dim sqlSel = 'SELECT LongName FROM keyIssues ORDER BY SortFld ASC'
    Dim cmdSel As New SqlCommand(sqlSel, con)
    Dim reader As SqlDataReader
    reader = cmdSel.ExecuteReader()
    Do While reader.Read()
    End Sub

    Later I can, of course, loop over the CheckBoxList items to see which ones
    have been selected.

    Hope this helps someone down the line.

  5. Well, in case it wasn't already obvious I'll confess to being new to ASP.NET...

    Having climbed a few steps higher on the learning curve, I realize that it's
    totally straightforward to build a gridview with unbound checkboxes in a
    column, and it solves the sorting issue too because sorting can be controlled
    in gridviews. The key is to create a TemplateField for one of the columns,
    with an ItemTemplate specifying a simple <asp:CheckBox...>. These
    unbound checkboxes can be examined on postback to see which items
    were selected. The example I came across, which includes a 'Select All'
    feature, is here:

    Hope this steers others straight if they stumble across this thread...


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