ascx causes 404

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by SamCsharp, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. Hi,

    I uploaded my website with Filezilla.
    In IIS tools/ASPNET Version, I selected ASPNET 3.5 SP1.
    In IIS tools/Default document, I moved 'default.aspx' on top of the list.

    All pages are properly served by IIS ... except the Default.aspx page. This page countains 2 user controls (.ascx files). I commented out the use of these user controls. Without the user controls, Default.aspx is properly served by IIS (status of 200).
    In Visual Studio 2008, I don't have this problem. Both user controls are properly integrated in Default.aspx. Any suggestion ?

    Last Saturday, I enabled Stats/Raw logs in control panel. According to the knowledge base, 24 hours later, a zip file containing logs is generated. It should be accessible in a httplog folder. I don't see this directory in Filezilla. I looked for it through Server/Search document in Filezilla. Did I miss a step in log generation ?

    Any suggestion concerning one or both of these related issues (for accessing logs might help me figuring out this ascx issue) would be great ?


    Take care
  2. The folder is actually hidden. Manually type it in to your FTP client and your set.
  3. Thanks Chuck,
    I can now read my http logs :)
    Still, after reading the logs, I have no clue about my ascx problem. It just says '404 status' among other info like referer, server IP address etc. Nothing more concerning my ASP.NET problem. So I tried to replace "~/Modules/mycontrol.ascx" with "../Modules/mycontrol.ascx" (replacing '~' with '../').
    Any suggestion would be great before I decide to get rid of my ascx and move its code directly inside the page.

    Take care.

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