ASP Classic and ABCPDF.NET

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by rhek, Aug 27, 2005.

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  1. Hello,

    I have just moved an ASP Classic website to The website works fine with one exception. We were creating PDFs using ASPPDF for asp but now it looks like only ABCPDF.NET is available. My knowledge of is very limited at this time and I am planning on converting the site to soon but I really need to get the PDF working as soon as I can.

    Is any of the following possible...

    1)"wrap" the asppdf com control so I can use it at as a workaround for now? This would be the easiest for me as I would not need to change the asp classic code (maybe a little). Maybe place the asppdf com control in the .bin directory? The control does need registered in it's current form.

    2) access the component from a classic asp page?

    3) write the pdf code in and then call that code from an asp classic page? I would need to pass a parameter, maybe two parameters to the pdf code

    4) I am open to any suggestion other then migrate the website to at the moment as I need to get this up and working in the next few days if possible.

    If you have any thoughts on this subject please let me know. (code samples would be wonderful!!)

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I do not think there is a way for ASP Page to access ASP.NET component. You can do vice-versa though.


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