ASP.NET 2.0 Switch

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by AmerG, Nov 6, 2005.

  1. I went with ASP.NET 2.0. I developed an application with VS2005 Beta 2 and published the website on my server. However, when I browse to my website I get error message:

    Server Error in '/' Application.
    Parser Error
    Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

    Parser Error Message: Could not load type '_Default'.

    Source Error:

    Line 1: <%@ page language='C#' autoeventwireup='true' inherits='_Default' %>
    Line 2: <%@ Register Src='MainMenu.ascx' TagName='MainMenu' TagPrefix='uc1' %>
    Line 3: <%@ Register Src='VisitorCounter.ascx' TagName='VisitorCounter' TagPrefix='uc2' %>

    Source File: /Default.aspx Line: 1

    The application works great when executed within VS2005 WebServer!

    Thanks in advance
  2. Unless you precompiled your application, you also need to upload the Default.aspx.cs.
  3. I precompiled the application AND uploaded Default.aspx.cs (tried both). I also tried to load other pages and all of them get same error message, which is that Inherits='type' type cannot be found. However, it worked with beta server. Maybe versioning issue?

    Thanks in advance
  4. Two things that could be wrong:
    1. You did not enable .NET Framework 2.0 in the IIS Manager of the control panel, so the Default.aspx.cs is not automatically compiled.
    2. There is no class named '_Default' in the Default.aspx.cs.
  5. Thanks for reply, but none of them are true. I checked both right after it did not work. Also, I verified that reported error was from framework 2.0 ... I read on the internet and many posts reported that the problem went away when they reinstalled .NET framework on the server. I am sure there must be simpler solution.

    Thanks in advance
  6. Hi,

    I am having the same problem as AmerG. It gives me the load type error on all of my pages. When publishing to beta sites everything works just fine. I also checked my bin folder and all the dlls are there.

    I sent in a ticket to support and the only answer i got was the dlls are not in the bin file or the site isnt compiled. I verified both were not the case.

    I would really appreciate it if someone can help out with this one.
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    w/ 2.0, this error not only means the dll is missing, it could also mean another regular file is missing.


  8. Thanks Bruce. Everything works fine when i run it through the project and also when i publish to the beta area only when i publish to the actual site it creates a problem. Can you suggest what other files i may need to look at?
  9. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    That's very weird!!!

    I would try remove everything from the server and try again.

    If you use VS.NET, it should detect that some class is missing


  10. The cause of the problem is that you precompiled the application using a beta version of Visual Studio. This will not work with the final release of the framework. You will need to recompile your app using the final release of Visual Studio.

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