2.0 tree control

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by joelnet, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. You will have to store the state somewhere, either in cookie or in session. Then when they refresh and you reload the control, you will also load the state and pre-setup the control based upon what is in the cookie/session.

    There are navigation products out there that do this (like treeview controls) that you might want to look at also.

    Joel Thoms

  2. <CENTER>
    I have made a webcontrol which i used to navigate through many
    My problem is that i need to retain the treeviews state after i refresh
    the page

    Every time i use navigate url to select a new product on the same page
    the tree control refreshes, but am unsure how to get it to navigate
    back to where it was. ( persist its state bewteen refreshes)

    any ideas or articles,? ive been searching all day



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