Hi, I've got an issue trying to see the detailed error message when promoting my site to discountasp.net's hosting environment. The asp.net mvc 4 web site works locally but upon promoting it, I get the generic message "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.". If I rename the web.config to web.old and reload the page, I have been able to disable enough things to get the page to render (I say disable because the web.config includes namespaces for spark to use). My problem is I'm assuming there is an issue with my web.config but I can't see any sort of error message pertaining to it because I see a the generic message as noted above - ex. http://tunivorecom.web804.discountasp.net/home/tour. Currently in my web.config, I have the following specified: <customErrors mode="Off" > </customErrors> Normally that would be enough but is there something else I need to do to be able to see the details of the error. I'm sure it's an easy error to fix, I just need to know what it is. Any help is appreciated!
To enable Detailed Errors: 1) Log into your site using IIS7 Manager by following the instructions in this Knowledge Base article: http://support.discountasp.net/KB/a400/how-to-connect-to-windows-2008iis-7-using-microsoft.aspx 2) Double click on the Error Pages module to open it. 3) On the right hand side, click on the Edit Feature Settings... link. 4) Check Detailed errors and click on OK.
Hi Ray, Thanks for the response. I have followed your instructions and it looks like I'm still getting the default error page - http://tunivore.com/home/tour but IIS is telling me "You have configured detailed error messages to be displayed for both local and remote requests. When the option is selected, custom error configuration is not used" I tried recycling the app pool but no luck. Is there anything else I need to consider or do? Thanks again for your help
I tried testing your site on a test account and was able to see this strange error on Google Chrome: "Dynamic view compilation failed. error CS1061: 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<MusicPortal.Web.Mvc.Controllers.Home.ViewModels.HomePageViewModel>' does not contain a definition for 'BeginForm' and no extension method 'BeginForm'..." Hopefully, that will help you track down the problem. Otherwise, you might want to consider using Failed Request Tracing to help you solve the problem. More information in these links: http://support.discountasp.net/KB/a1086/iis-8-iis-tools.aspx http://www.iis.net/learn/troublesho...shooting-failed-requests-using-tracing-in-iis Regarding error CS1061 , please take a look at this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb383961.aspx
2 down vote favorite 1 I have a aspx page and it displays custom error but i can't see a detailed error message. My web.config looks like this, <?xml version="1.0"?><configuration><appSettings/><connectionStrings/><system.web><compilationdebug="true"/><authenticationmode="Windows"/><customErrorsmode="On"/></system.web></configuration>
You need to turn off custom error mode. Change "On" to "Off". Then you will get the real error message.