ASP.NET Recycle Rate

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by void, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. What is the actual conditions for the rate in which the server recycles my application.

    I mean I get Application_End and Application_Start every several minutes on the DASP server.

    Is there any way to increase this recycle period? May be I should save session state into MSSQL?

    ASP.NET TreeView
  2. IIS Server recycling helps ensure that applications in those pools remain healthy and that the system resources are recovered.Worker processes are configured to restart based on elapsed time, number of requests served, scheduled times, and two types of memory usage.

    Since you application recycles every several minutes,its possible your application is using too much resources,such as the memory usage,which on DASP Servers is limited too 100MB.You could create a support ticket if you want us to check the usage for you.


  3. Hi,
    My ASP.NET 2.0 Application restart periodically after 20 min. I set in web.config
    shutdownTimeout="90" also I set <forms timeout="60". I suppose that DASP Administrator set in IIS 20 min. Can your DASP Administrator increase the time from 20 min to 60 min?
    Best regards

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