ASP Worker Process Memory Limit

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by andygregory, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. I appreciate your response and server overhead may not be as issue at all. However, I've executed my site on my local system and memory utilization of my ASP worker process is always well below 100mb. CPU utilization also seems reasonable.

    My point is that I've performed all the troubleshooting I can on my local system and it doesn't seem to me that my site should get recycled as much as it does on the DASP servers. There may be a logical reason this happens but I don't have any visibility to the DASP server statistics to understand what is going on.

    It would be really nice if DASP would provide visibility to the Memory and CPU utilization statistics for my site.
  2. I've seen a number of post in this forum concerning the memory limit that DASP has placed on the worker process. Apparently I'm also having the same problem since my site is recycling.

    Does anyone know if there is a way to get some information regarding how much memory the process is utilizing? I've run the app on my local system and have never seen the memory anywhere close to 100mb. It would be really nice if DASP would provide these statistics to us since they have imposed the memory limit.

    I'm wondering if there is some overhead on the DASP servers that I don't have on my local system.
  3. mjp


    Server overhead wouldn't matter, unless all the server memory were being monopolized somehow, in which case your process would not recycle, it would just slow down. The only time your process recycles is if the usage for your site exceeds one of the limits (memory usage, sustained CPU usage, timeout).


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