ASPMail in Hebrew

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by Lior, Apr 26, 2005.

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  1. I have a feedback form on my site that I want to be emailed to me.
    I am using ASPMail for the form handling.
    my site is in Hebrew and all my visitors use Hebrew as they're language.
    of course I want to allow them to write in hebrew.

    when the form is filled in English I get everything right, when it's filled in Hebrew all I get is a lot of question marks.
    anyone ever tried to use ASPMail to send mail in a language other than English?
    I would appreciate any help.

    here's my code for sending the mail:

    <%@ LANGUAGE = "VBScript" codepage="1255"%>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1255">

    dim from_name
    dim from_mail
    dim from_text
    from_name = request.Form("s_name")
    from_mail = request.Form("s_email")
    from_text = request.Form("s_text")
    from_text = replace(from_text, "'", "''")

    Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
    Mailer.CustomCharSet = "windows-1255"
    Mailer.FromName = from_name
    Mailer.FromAddress = from_mail
    Mailer.RemoteHost = "localhost"
    Mailer.AddRecipient "Lior", "[email protected]"
    Mailer.Subject = from_name &amp; " îééì îäàúø ùðùìç éì éãé"
    Mailer.BodyText = from_text
    if Mailer.SendMail then
    Response.redirect "thanks.asp"
    Response.redirect "mailerror.asp?msg=" &amp; Mailer.Response
    end if
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