ASPNetEMail emails go into spam folder

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by DZL, Dec 19, 2006.

  1. DZL


    I am starting to use ASPNetEMail and my test emails that I send myself at Gmail are going into the spam folder. Any suggestions as to how I can avoid this? Do you think I would have better luck if I did not use this program? Here is my code, if that helps. It's basically the code from the knowledgebase:

    ' Set SMTP Host as localhost

    Dim msg As EmailMessage = New EmailMessage("localhost")

    'set the from address

    msg.FromAddress = "<my domain name address>"

    'set the to address

    msg.To = "<[email protected]>"

    'Set email subject and body

    msg.Subject = "ASPNetEMail test"

    msg.Body = "ASPNetEMail email test."

    'send the email


    response.Write("Mail Sent")
  2. DZL


    I posted the code for the email above. In a nutshell: Subject: "ASPNetEMail test", Message body: "ASPNetEMail email test." Nothing very exciting.

    Someone suggested that the problem might be that the From address ([email protected]) is different from the received domain ( Somewhat confusingly, when I send the same email from your webmail application, it has no problem. According to the header, that's coming from
  3. what is the content of your email? It doesn't sound likea problem with the way you are using the control, if you are receiving the email, but it is being sent into your spam folder, it's more-likely it has something to do with your subject or the body of the message triggering the spam filter.

    Joel Thoms

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